Tag Archive for: Offshore Fishing

Pelican Update – On Her Way!

It takes the most skilled professionals in the industry to make this all possible. From end to end the list is long and we couldn’t be more proud to be a part of an industry and community which encompasses the finest boat builders in the world currently and historically. Paul Mann Custom Boats created a master fishing vessel twenty years ago and we were honored to take her back to her birthplace for her updates.  Check out this video of the Pelican being transported. She’s shining even on a rainy day.

It’s time to get your dates reserved 2018!!! We’re looking forward to another great start with the spring Tuna run!! We start fishing Friday April 27, 2018! See our calendar and book online here or contact Capt. Arch Bracher or Summer directly.

Shed your winter layers and enjoy a nice day of fishing on the Pelican. May offers a combination of species to target and they often come in size LARGE. You may just find yourself in a mess of Yellowfin Tuna, Mahi and wrangling with a Marlin, WINNER! We’re looking forward to a great start to our 2017 fishing season with you! May reservations are now available!

May Mahi

I often have willing people contact me looking to fill in if a charter needs an extra person. It’s helpful in offsetting some of the cost as well as a great opportunity to fish with Capt.Arch and Lee on the Pelican. I am more than willing to facilitate the connection between the charter and the additional angler.

Please note that it is treated the same as if you were to add your own member to the charter. Both parties are responsible for any financial transactions that take place. We are not responsible if there are any issues or “no show”, the price is still the same.

For those who would like to be connected, please email me with your contact information. I’m happy to help!

Summer Bracher