Tag Archive for: Isla Mujeres

The boats are killing it!! Weather was tough today, we’re crossing our fingers for the next few days. All together it’s been excellent fishing!!


Time to get your Tuna game on!!!! I’m ecspecially pleased at the bookings that have been coming in for May & June! Both fantastic months for Mahi and Tuna!! Also, it’s not too soon to consider July. Personally, JULY is one of my favorite months to fish due to being a “transition” time for ALL our target species! Anything is possible in July! If you want to fill the box with meat this Spring now would be a good time to get your prime dates in.

Not much has changed for Mexico sailfish releases. Numbers across the board are steadily consistent and increasing by the day. Not a bad way to brush off the winter blues!

At the end of the day, we are very much looking forward to the beginning of our fishing season this spring from Oregon Inlet! Check our availability page for your prime dates and give me a call/email. Always happy to chat about fishing!

Fishing continues to be in double digits!! Steady releases between 20 and 40 for the fleet there. Sounds like fun!!Keen M

FUN!! FUN!! FUN!!image

Fishing started slow for the Keen M but has picked up in double digit releases. There are reports of seeing sailfish in the twenty and thirties..like turning on the light switch!

Looking ahead, it’s time to get your dates on the books!! Yellowfin Tuna fishing starts May 1 for the Pelican! Get your booking in before someone scoops up your opportunity. Give us a call 252-441-3197, email arch@fishthepelican.com or see our availability page. See you at the docks!


Its time for the incredible fishing at Isla Mujeres, Mexico!! Arch will be running the Keen M from January 10-February 10. We have availability January 14-24, 27 & 28; February 3, 8-10. Get on it!! It’s a great time!

The bite continues, Paul successfully released fifteen sail’s yesterday with Capt. Arch. There are plenty of fish around and it sounds like everyone is having a great time! Paul’s view this morning heading out to do it again.


Fishing is hot!! Today angler Paul Gerlach and Capt. Arch released 21 Sailfish! Thirty Nine releases in two days is a great way to start the year! These fish were on balls of bait today while the birds picked away for their share, a pretty site to see in the clear waters there. Nice Job guys! Keep it up!!

Paul Gerlach’s first day and they released eighteen (18) Sail Fish. I should add that he is solo and this is an incredible accomplishment for anyone! Great team work guys! This is how memories are made! Arch reported that the weather is typical of Mexico and the Sails are very active but not out of reach….but then again, Arch would go to the end of earth to find the fish. I’m looking forward to another great report this evening.

Plenty of sails around! Arch put the crew on the sails while Mike Stough and his crew successfully released seven on fly!
Weather is beautiful, sailfish are bountiful, sounds like the perfect fishing adventure. A few days are available if you’re interested in getting in on the great action. Jan 15-17. It’s never too late to be spontaneous!