We’re into our billfish season which has had an excellent start for the fleet. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of a prime fishing date that is not usually available. Give us a call 252-216-7071 or book online! Let’s go fishing!
We’re into our billfish season which has had an excellent start for the fleet. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of a prime fishing date that is not usually available. Give us a call 252-216-7071 or book online! Let’s go fishing!
This prime date has recently become available for reservation! I encourage you to book this day for a CHANCE OF A LIFETIME at an opportunity to catch White Marlin, Sailfish and Blue Marlin!! Book here or call Capt. Arch Bracher directly at 252-216-7071. Keep in mind he’s fishing, if you need immediate assistance call the Oregon Inlet Fishing Center booking desk (800) 272-5199 or reserve online!
All of June is completely booked but June 29 has just come available! If you’re interested please call Oregon Inlet Fishing Center Booking Desk 252-441-6301 or book directly online at Fishthepelican.com or Oregon-Inlet.com
We are gearing up to start our season and boy have the Yellowfin already started hitting the docks by the box full!! We can’t wait to get out to the blue water! We have a limited number of days available in the first part of May and a few dates have opened leading into June fishing. Check out our availability calendar and get your dates reserved!
Time to get your Tuna game on!!!! I’m ecspecially pleased at the bookings that have been coming in for May & June! Both fantastic months for Mahi and Tuna!! Also, it’s not too soon to consider July. Personally, JULY is one of my favorite months to fish due to being a “transition” time for ALL our target species! Anything is possible in July! If you want to fill the box with meat this Spring now would be a good time to get your prime dates in.
Not much has changed for Mexico sailfish releases. Numbers across the board are steadily consistent and increasing by the day. Not a bad way to brush off the winter blues!
At the end of the day, we are very much looking forward to the beginning of our fishing season this spring from Oregon Inlet! Check our availability page for your prime dates and give me a call/email. Always happy to chat about fishing!
As the season has proven itself successful with consistently catching our limits of Yellow Fin Tuna and Gaffer Dolphin, we consider what is ahead for the typical “transitional” month of July. August and September we focus on billfishing. July is a great month for having the opportunity to target Tuna, Dolphin and Marlin/Sailfish. Current reports show that the Marlin fishing is picking up while Tuna and Mahi continue to be strong. Our Marlin season (August & September) usually books a year in advance with a few days available, July is a good time to go offshore before you lose a great opportunity.
Current available days:
July 4th ** a good day because boat traffic is minimal
6-9,12,14 & 15, 20 & 21, 24,26 & 27, 29-August 2 and August 8 & 9
or click here for our calendar Pelican Availability
CALL: 252-441-3197
EMAIL: arch@fishthepelican.com