Not Every Day!

Tom and brother Ed Wilson, along with their better halves, enjoyed an unusual day on the Pelican. While the fishing part is part of the program, what and how they caught was not. Always at the ready Arch likes to keep a loaded spinning rod on the bridge.  After some commotion on a flat line and screaming from the cockpit,  Arch woke up and pitched his bait to what turned out to be a 150 pound Blue Marlin.  An hour long tug of war later the marlin gave in and was released accordingly. A tailing White Marlin was teased up and hooked via traditional methods and then added to count. Then to top it off an 81 pound Wahoo and 5 nice Yellowfin filled the box.

While we can’t promise this type of action everyday you’ve got a better chance on board the Pelican than in front of your PC or mobile device. Ed or Tom please send photos!