Great Tournament!
Congratulations to all the boats who participated in this great tournament! We’ll see you all next year! Yesterday was our final day and boy did we have some action! We started the morning with a double on both flat lines, 2 White Marlin releases! Then had another double and three singles. We ended the day with three White Marlin releases and a total of six White Marlin releases for the tournament. We just missed third place by time. Not at all because we didn’t try! We were all on our toes. Great job to John, Dick, and Eric Bailey and a big thanks for having me part of the team! I love a good Marlin challenge and had awesome action on the left flat! Capt. Arch and our mate Lee Albarty are a fantastic team! Working flawlessly by putting us on the fish and working the cockpit, first class. More than $70,ooo raised for Dare County student scholarships…mission accomplished!